Setting the compass

  • Determine your position using the following zone maps.

North America zone map

North America zone map

South America zone map

South America zone map

  • Press a round pin into opening 3() for approximately three seconds. The currently selected zone appears in compass display 2().
  • To select the zone: press a round pin into opening 3() repeatedly until the desired zone is selected. The zone has been selected when compass display 2() shows the heading. This takes a few seconds.
    See also:

    Activating/deactivating the EASYENTRY/ EXIT feature You can use the Easy-entry Function to activate or deactivate the EASY-ENTRY/EXIT feature. WARNING   You must make sure no one can b ...

    The mbrace system
    The mbrace system provides different services, e.g.: • automatic and manual emergency call • Roadside Assistance call • MB Info call To adjust the volume during an mbrace call, proceed a ...

    Call priority
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