Service for recovering a stolen vehicle

If your vehicle has been stolen:
The police will issue a numbered incident Notify the police.
The police will issue a numbered incident report.
the This number will be forwarded to the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center together with your PIN.
The Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center then attempts to locate the mbrace system. The Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center contacts you and the local law enforcement agency if the vehicle is located. However, only the law enforcement agency is informed of the location of the vehicle.

is active for If the anti-theft alarm system is active for longer than 30 seconds, mbrace automatically informs the Mercedes-Benz Customer Assistance Center.

    See also:

    Brow of hill
    When driving up an uphill gradient, slightly reduce pressure on the accelerator immediately before reaching the brow of the hill. Use the vehicle's own impetus to drive over the top of the hil ...

    Cruise control lever
    1 To store the current speed or a higher speed 2 To store the current speed or a lower speed 3 To deactivate DISTRONIC 4 To store the current speed or to call up the last stored speed ...

    Removing a wheel
      Unscrew the wheel bolts. Do not place wheel bolts in sand or on a dirty surface. The bolt and wheel hub threads could otherwise be damaged when you screw them in.   Remove the w ...