
Company logos displayed on the map are trademarks of the respective companies and used solely for the purpose of indicating the location of these companies. The use of such logos on the map does not indicate approval of, support of or advertising by these companies for the navigation system itself.

    See also:

    Vanity mirror in the sun visor
    Mirror light 1 only functions if the sun visor is clipped into retainer 2 and mirror cover 5 has been folded up. ...

    First-aid kit
    Open the trunk lid. Release strap 1. Remove first-aid kit 2 from the parcel net. Check the expiration date on the first-aid kit at least once a year. Replace the contents if necessary, ...

    Tire size designation, load-bearing capacity and speed rating
    1 Tire width 2 Nominal aspect ratio in % 3 Tire code 4 Rim diameter 5 Load bearing index 6 Speed rating Tire data is vehicle-specific and may deviate from the data in the example. Genera ...